(2013) Light show for the composition FS#4 by Ángel Faraldo, acoustic sound and Video feedback (digital) manipulations.
(2010) Audio-visual performance icw Ángel Faraldo (composition, sound diffusion)
(2015) Live visuals for the composition by Emre Kaleli and Modelo62 enesemble
Visual effects for the videoclip “El Humo” by Yamila Ríos, with Yamila and Niño de Elche.
Curating the Barcelona node of the worldwide date palimpsest event 02022020 and composing Sonifying Calendars for the occasion.
Interpose edition with Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Tom Chant and Angel Faraldo.
Conceived and directed by Francisco López audio-DH is a collaborative project.
(digital fute processing) set up (2010)
with Ángel Faraldo
[2] CD released in Audition Records (2011)
CD released in Larraskito netlabel in June 2008
exhibition at Reina Sofa Museum, social experimental audio, pre- and post-Internet.curated by Francisco López.
Video feedback digital manipulations
(2011) 3 videos for the exhibition Palm Top Theater inside the Rotterdam Film Festival 2011 with the i3Dg system.