Transitory Presences
>> Projects MULTISENSORY Transitory Presences (2014-16) A volatile encounter between sound, scent and ephemeral silhouettes, where aromatic smoke dances revealing the rhythms of the incoming sound. Transitory Presences is a project with various forms and sometimes in collaboration with other sound artists. TP#2 Cinematic performance >>Watch here TP #03 Performative environment >>Watch here TP#03 icw Lars […]
A Sensorium
>> Projects MULTISENSORY A Sensorium (2016) Interdisciplinary work in collaboration with theater maker Luz Lassizuk and composer Emre Kaleli for the ensemble Modelo62 where I developed the olfactory landscapes and together with Luz the lighting and stage design. Short documentary trailer. >>Watch here https://yolandauriz.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Y2Mate.is-A-Sensorium-by-Kaleli-Lassizuk-Uriz.-Ensemble-Modelo62-gcmMeNwPhpw-720p-1660021553667.mp4
>> Projects MULTISENSORY Maziterido (2016) An installation that explores synesthetic connections through smell, space and sound, proposing a multi-sensorial experience. A labyrinthian environment formed by the pipes of a scattered smell organ where to navigate through streams of aromas and tones. >> Watch here
>> Projects MULTISENSORY Lykt (2018) A sensorial triangle where hearing, sight and smell drive towards an intimate immersive experience. Each sense is affected by the sum of the others from a minimal, fragile and unstable point of departure of the elements: light, vibration and suspended particles. >>Watch here With Ferran Fage and Lali Barriere.
>> Projects MULTISENSORY ~.Soinusain.~ (2017-19) An intimate immersive experience inside sono-olfactive micro-environments. This work presents combinations of sounds and smells inviting us to penetrate inside cubical hexagons where do not need to move, just sense. >>Watch here>>Dossier Co-produced by STEIM.
Three Degrees from Reality
>>Projects MULTISENSORY Three Degrees from Reality (2021-22) In this interdisciplinary creation participants will be invited to experience reality in three distinct ways.The first space (Degree 1) will happen on stage, and emulates the reality where people have unmediated contact with the performative source and engage actively in its production. The second space (Degree 2) will take […]
Chemical Ecosystem
>> Projects MULTISENSORY Chemical Ecosystem (2022) reflects on the function of smell today, drawing inspiration from inter-species olfactory communication. It invites the public to observe how its presence influences the environment and affects the beings that inhabit it, listening to the olfactory messages that these inhabitants emit. >> Watch here Grant Fundació Ernesto Ventós […]